You’ve trimmed the tree and put up the outdoor lights and reindeer, and now you want to turn your attention to adding some festive cheer to your baby’s room without a complete overhaul. There are so many simple and easy to achieve decorating ideas to make your baby’s first (or second, or third) Christmas extra special. The good news is once you’ve invested in these items, they can make a merry comeback every year until college.

 1. Add some Christmas greenery

Nothing says Christmas quite like red blooms and holly. Try adding a string of holly to the foot of the crib or on a window or door frame, out of reach of the baby. It can also be a DIY version, like the one below, with items you’ve selected. If you have pets, and once your baby is old enough to crawl, you’ll have to rethink this one, for choking and health risks.


2. Deck your bookcase

The library is the easiest place to add some Christmas trinkets like mini trees. Another great idea is to display all your favourite Christmas books, front and center, and take turns reading them before bedtime. It can easily become a tradition for years to come and gives you the opportunity to have some extra quality time with your baby. 



 3. Add festive throw pillows

You can opt for pillows that spread Christmas cheer with traditional holiday greetings or more subtle wintery patterns, that you can enjoy all season long. If you really want to go the extra mile, you can personalize them with names and special messages.


4. Change your linens

A super subtle way to get into the Christmas spirit is to change the bedding for more festive designs. How much or how little you decide to emphasize the holidays is up to you. You don’t necessarily have to feel like you’ve turned your nursery into Santa’s workshop, especially with tasteful crib sheets and duvet covers like the ones below.

5. Bring out the snow globes

This is an item you can keep handy all winter long, and beyond. What baby wouldn’t be intrigued by the falling snow and the fun, adorable characters in these globes.
December 13, 2019 — James DiMiele