If you’re coming across the concept of a swaddle for the first time, rest assured: you are not the only one! Before you know, the age-old practice will become an absolute essential to your routine. The truth is, swaddles are so much more than just soft and pretty blankets.


What is swaddling?

A swaddle is a way to help your newborn feel aware and secure as if they were still in the womb. Swaddling will also keep your baby's rest from being disturbed by their startle reflex. Our bamboo from rayon muslin wraps are super soft and breathable, and they are generous in size.


The art of swaddling, step-by-step

  1. Lay the baby face-up on the blanket out flat, with his head above one corner folded down.
  2. Straighten his right arm, and wrap the right corner of the blanket over his body. Tuck it between his left arm and the left side of his body.

    1. Fold the bottom of the blanket and tuck it under the baby.
    2. Then, fold the left corner of the blanket over the baby’s body and under his right side.

    Make sure your baby’s thighs and legs can move freely and that the blanket is not wrapped too tight. You should be able to fit two or three fingers between the baby’s chest and the swaddling blanket.


    June 22, 2018 — James DiMiele