Life with a newborn requires adjustments to your daily routine but stepping out of the house with baby doesn’t need to be an overwhelming challenge. Here is your step-by-step guide to pack with peace of mind and make your excursion enjoyable.


1. Pack while they’re in the Sack

First, make sure to always pack your bag the night before while baby is asleep, regardless of the time you’re leaving on the next day. The short list of the things you need include diapers, wipes, bags, pacifier, changing pads and a blanket. Save this list for all future outings!

Consult our newborn checklist for a comprehensive round-up of essentials you could need during your trip.


2. Plan feeding time

Gone for long or not, there is a chance that baby will get hungry. The night before, pre-prep your milk, formula, baby cereals and snack and store them in the fridge for an easy grab and go. Also, make sure to have your nursing pillow, bottle warmer, portable bottle steamer and spoons on your checklist in order to pack them the day before.


3. Handy dress-time

Make sure to plan your outfits for the night before, pay attention to the weather. Having these things prepared just makes getting out in the morning even quicker! Here are some easy outfitting solutions that will help no matter the condition.  

4. There will be messes

As you prepare the clothes for the day, pack some extras in your bag as well for any outfit change. Include a bib in your bundle to use when feeding baby to ensure that mealtime doesn’t include an extra outfit change and our multi-use swaddle blankets are an especially versatile tool for all road warriors. (read our article: the art of swaddling)


5. Double-check

Having things prepared beforehand makes getting out in the morning even quicker. Before you leave, check your baby-bag checklist to be sure you packed everything, especially baby.


Stepping out stress-free

Baby in hand and bag packed up, you are ready to go! Keep your keys in the same place every day, that way there is no way to lose track of them.


Happy outing!


July 13, 2018 — James DiMiele