Ok, so smelly diapers, daily routines and a cluttered floorspace has you doubting that Valentine’s Day was ever meant for you—exhausted parent. Wrong! Feb 14 is all about love and, whether you decide to get a sitter, spend it with your kids or save the magic for later (aka post bed-time), it’s important to carve out some time for that four-letter word that makes all of this so worth it: LOVE.


Keep the romance alive

It may not seem like passion and parenting can coexist in the midst of early morning wake-ups, baby spit up, and the endless needs of a baby (or two, or three). But thankfully, there’s a day in the calendar that forces us to take notice of a little thing (that may have gone wayward when baby made three) called romance. Take advantage.

Hire a sitter or call on a loved one to babysit. You should never feel guilty for carving out some time for your relationship. After all, the best gift you can give your child is to let them witness what a loving relationship really looks like.

If you don’t have the opportunity for a night out, there are many ways you can honour your love for your spouse, within the intimacy of your own home. The truth is romance is not always what we see in the movies and can exist in the smallest gestures, like a handwritten note, or a series of messages throughout the day. Anything you can do to let your partner know how much you love and value them will go a long way.

You can also plan something special at home. Wake up a little earlier and enjoy breakfast in bed together. Or plan a little tête-a-tête with your sweetheart once the kids go to bed. It could also be as simple as running a bath together to decompress. It may just end up that you both fall sleep huddled together, but hey, at least you tried. Intentionally carving out alone time with your partner will do wonders in strengthening your relationship and the team spirit that is needed to tackle the struggles of daily life.

Create Valentine’s Day family traditions

Valentine’s Day is all about love and nothing says you can’t share that with your entire family—yes, I am talking about your kids. It’s a wonderful opportunity to teach them about expressing appreciation and letting people know (like, their siblings, for example) how much they mean to us and how glad we are to have them in our lives.

Encourage them to make handmade cards and drawings to give their family, but also, their teachers and classmates. It also means you can take the opportunity to show them how special they are to you. Make them a string of construction paper hearts and write a heartfelt message or plan some extra snuggle time together at bed time. An extra few minutes of alone time just talking about their day can make them feel like the center of your universe—which they are!



February 08, 2019 — James DiMiele