The only hospital bag checklist you’ll ever need
Deciding what to pack in your hospital bag — for baby, your partner and yourself — shouldn’t be a daunting task. Calm any labour jitters by thinking ahead and using this Petit Lem Hospital Bag Checklist for a hospital stay devoid of any “oopsie” moments.
NOTE: No two births are alike but most second-time moms believe in the value of preparation: have your bag (or bags) packed and in your car between weeks 30 and 35. Depending on how you give birth, expect to stay in the hospital anywhere between one to four days. Also, hospitals often provide some free goodies for mama and baby (like hygienic pads and nose bulbs for your newborn) but we suggest you bring all of your own essentials.
Essentials for MOM
- Your birth plan
- A wallet with medical card, hospital card, insurance information, and cash money for vending machine snacks
- Fully charged cell phone with charger
- Snacks and water bottles
- Moisturizing lip balm. We love these.
- Nipple cream. If you are planning to breastfeed, you absolutely need it! We love this one.
- Spare hair elastics or headband
- Loose and lightweight clothing to give birth in — if it’s summer, a cotton dress you don’t particularly care for will do, in colder climates, a tunic with leggings or joggers.
- Comfortable going-home outfit — also loose and lightweight
- Fluffy bath robe
- Non-slip socks or slipper
- Nursing bralette and nursing pads
- Travel-sized toiletries i.e. toothbrush, toothpaste, scent-free deodorant (we love this one) , etc.
- A book or magazines — who knows, you might actually get to read a little
Essentials for BABY
- Car seat (the hospital won’t let you leave without one). Install the base ahead of time and if you’re struggling, visit a police station — they’ll be glad to assist you.
- A coming-home outfit (or two) and a couple of onesies. You just don’t know how big or small your baby will be until after you have given birth and if any complication arises, how long your stay will be. Take 2 seasonally appropriate outfits in a smaller and larger size. Don’t forget socks! Lucky for you we have a ton of ready-to wear outfits to choose from, made with organic cotton that’s good for baby and the environment.
- Warm blankets: depending on the weather, choose a swaddle wrap or heavier cotton blanket from Petit Lem.
- Face cloths, like these ones. Made with organic cotton, you can use them to wash or burp baby.
Essentials for DAD
- A wallet with cards for gift shop purchases and cash money for vending machine snacks
- Fully charged cell phone with charger — photos and texting the happy news to all your contacts can drain your battery life in a jiffy
- Spare clothing with a comfortable pair of shoes (sneakers will do the job)
- Travel-sized toiletries
- A notebook with pen to jot down instructions from health practitioners or even anecdotes about baby’s
And there you have it — packing for your special day isn’t so complicated after all.